So today, my little "Dream" business took another step in the right direction. It may only seem small and meaningless to many. But to me it was a next step to getting towards my vision. I wanted to write my thoughts down today because I know how hard it is for me to get that vision that drives me, down on paper for the big wide world to see, and hopefully grab hold with both arms and love and adore as much as I have creating it? What was the next step? So yes, I hear you ask, well come on Caroline what was this next step? Well I took my little handmade bath bombs off to a little photo shoot...yes you did read that right! Its hard to believe that for me actually formulating and thinking of new creations is the easy bit for me. I`ve had over 20 years experience in the beauty industry and along that path I`ve discovered lots of amazing products and ingredients and ranges from all walks of life. What I have found hard is the image in my head and the desire that I want that...