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Showing posts from February, 2014

Ten Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

I had to share this great product with you all because it has so many beauty benefits to it. It's natural and it so inexpensive to buy plus you can buy it off the shelf in any supermarket. I got mine from Tesco's I think it was less than £1.50 for a whole bottle. First thing to mention about this product is that when it gets cold it sets and looks white unless your house is very warm it will need warming up ideally to use it at its best. Less is more with this as well, you get the added bonus that it smells delicious too.                                                 Beauty Benefit one : it's amazing on your cuticles to keep them nourished and soft. Place a small amount of the oil once warmed up either on a cotton bud or if you have a dropper you can dip this directly into the liquid and drop onto your cuticles. Any residue left over can be rubbed into t...