If, like me, you watch adverts on TV, or listen on the radio and are drawn into amazing new exciting products and brands that offer us results that we all want right? Who doesn't want bright, white teeth? Or cellulite free skin that looks ageless? I know I want all of these...
Its proof that a huge amount of consumers also do because we are buying and the supplier is making to keep up with our demands.
Well, there are already tonnes of plastics swirling around our oceans as we speak. These plastics include plastic bottle tops, plastic bags, plastic bottles and now these tiny plastic beads that are used in lots of everyday products to help make our skins feel softer and smoother and are teeth whiter and brighter. But do we REALLY need them in our products? Surely manufacturers wouldn't produce products if the demand wasn't there right? Or is it more so that we are a nation that purchase items because we are drawn into advertising and the idea that if its on the shelf its safe and its got to be good for me.
Around 100,000 microbeads are washed down the sink into our drains from one single application of some products. Ending up eventually into our beautiful oceans and into the food chain. Our oceans contain 5 trillion pieces of floating plastics that amounts to approx 250 tonnes in weight.
I admit until recently I possibly didn't have the knowledge to look into this sort of topic. I am now developing my own product range and I do personally want to use products that are kind to the environment and not aid towards polluting it. Because I care what I put in my mouth. Why wouldn't I care what I put onto my skin and body?
So, with this in mind I took a look for my own products at alternatives that would give me just as good results. But would be bio-degradable and kind to our planet.
Some great alternative are;
Its proof that a huge amount of consumers also do because we are buying and the supplier is making to keep up with our demands.
In doing this, I think sometimes we may loose touch on why we are using the products and also at what price do we have to pay in order to use them?
Did you exfoliate recently with a scrub. Or brushed your teeth with a smooth minty toothpaste?Most likely you have unknowingly smothered polluting plastics on your body and washed them down your drains and therefore into our oceans. Whilst the media leads us into believing these products are great for our skins and bodies. Beauty experts and ethical campaigners are now critising us as to why we need these tiny plastic beads in products at all?

Why should you care about microbeads?
Well, there are already tonnes of plastics swirling around our oceans as we speak. These plastics include plastic bottle tops, plastic bags, plastic bottles and now these tiny plastic beads that are used in lots of everyday products to help make our skins feel softer and smoother and are teeth whiter and brighter. But do we REALLY need them in our products? Surely manufacturers wouldn't produce products if the demand wasn't there right? Or is it more so that we are a nation that purchase items because we are drawn into advertising and the idea that if its on the shelf its safe and its got to be good for me.
Interesting facts to help educate you
Around 100,000 microbeads are washed down the sink into our drains from one single application of some products. Ending up eventually into our beautiful oceans and into the food chain. Our oceans contain 5 trillion pieces of floating plastics that amounts to approx 250 tonnes in weight.
Microbeads in our personal care products are made from Polyethylene (PE) and
Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Tiny pieces of plastics or fabrics (nylon) measuring less than 5mm and in personal care 1mm.These tiny plastics appear to fish as food and then they eat them, which consequently means they end up on our plates as part of our food chain. They also end up in the stomachs of birds, whales, turtles and other marine life. The beads are so small they cannot be filter by our systems.

Does it matter to me? Am I really going to make a difference?
Well that decision is yours to make and decide. I am not here to push you to stop using these products, but merely to inform you of an everyday occurrence that most of us do, and probably don't really think about.Other alternatives:
With the thought in mind for me personally that I want to make a difference based on the fact that I want better for my family and my childrens children. I have also been looking into ingredients used in personal care products based on my own business.I admit until recently I possibly didn't have the knowledge to look into this sort of topic. I am now developing my own product range and I do personally want to use products that are kind to the environment and not aid towards polluting it. Because I care what I put in my mouth. Why wouldn't I care what I put onto my skin and body?
So, with this in mind I took a look for my own products at alternatives that would give me just as good results. But would be bio-degradable and kind to our planet.
Some great alternative are;
- Sugar
- Salt
- Walnut or other fruits shells or seeds
- Poppy seeds
- Oats
Some of these alternative actually give better exfoliating results and so therefore do not need to be used as often on the skin or body.
So is it a case of supply and demand? I personally believe so. If the demand wasn't there, the companies wouldn't have a need to manufacture it and therefore we wouldn't be buying it,
These microbeads look nice and cool, but don't give the same results when used on the skin as more natural based ingredients. We then need to use them more often, which then results in us using up our product quicker and needing to purchase more. And so it continues.
Final thoughts......
This isn't the end its merely the beginning.This is a tiny part of the polluting that we are doing to our planet and oceans. Just look how we have implemented the plastic bag charges now in shops and stores. Yes, it was a pain at the beginning but we soon adapt and get used to it being the norm.
If the alternatives are there and they work, why use these tiny plastic beads?
If President Obama has just outlawed them alongside the Canadian government, maybe its time for us to follow in their footsteps?
Everyday products such as L'Oreal,Avon, Asda and Bodyshop are pledging to not have them in their own brands but may still be selling products that contain them.
It certainly is food for thought. Knowledge is power and power can make a difference.
Whatever your choice is, I hope this has provided you with the knowledge to make your decision easier?
So is it a case of supply and demand? I personally believe so. If the demand wasn't there, the companies wouldn't have a need to manufacture it and therefore we wouldn't be buying it,
These microbeads look nice and cool, but don't give the same results when used on the skin as more natural based ingredients. We then need to use them more often, which then results in us using up our product quicker and needing to purchase more. And so it continues.
Final thoughts......
This isn't the end its merely the beginning.This is a tiny part of the polluting that we are doing to our planet and oceans. Just look how we have implemented the plastic bag charges now in shops and stores. Yes, it was a pain at the beginning but we soon adapt and get used to it being the norm.
If the alternatives are there and they work, why use these tiny plastic beads?
If President Obama has just outlawed them alongside the Canadian government, maybe its time for us to follow in their footsteps?
Everyday products such as L'Oreal,Avon, Asda and Bodyshop are pledging to not have them in their own brands but may still be selling products that contain them.
It certainly is food for thought. Knowledge is power and power can make a difference.
Whatever your choice is, I hope this has provided you with the knowledge to make your decision easier?
Until next time...
Love and sparkles
Caroline x
Love and sparkles
Caroline x
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