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Alcohol: The Demon Drink (Phase One)

I have decided to put this blog together today because Summer is hopefully looming and we tend to drink more when the sun is shinning. Also, because it is a topic that is very close to me as some of my family members sadly are or were alcoholics. By were, I mean they have sadly passed away due to alcohol related illnesses. It is said that alcohol is a genetic illness. Which is another reason for me to research this subject in depth.
I usually write about beauty related topics. Although slightly different, and with a twist, I do think this is beauty related, but on a different level. i wanted to share a small part of my personal journey with a family member.
Looking at this topic from a professional point of view and someone who looks at skin more closely. Bad skin tone, texture and broken capillaries are all common connections with people that drink a lot.

I am a person who loves a drink. I am more of a sociable drinker and love a get together with friends and family over a bottle of vino. However, I do tend to fall into the "binge drinker" category because I tend to drink in phases. I may not go out and have a drink in weeks. then have three days of drinking excess.
As sad as it is to admit, as I have got older, the hangovers seem to have got worse, or I just cant handle my drink anymore?!
How many of us are aware of the legal amounts we can drink? Or what the effects of alcohol levels have on our organs, skin, heart and how it effects family relationships and work?

So what is a unit of alcohol and how much is accepted? Check out the link below for a great step by step description

Alcohol, a cure for stress?

Whilst reaching for the wine glass, or indeed the bottle, at the end of a busy and stressful day, can feel like it helps us relax. Long-term, it will just exacerbate the problem. Alcohol is a depressant which in short means that it slows down the brain and the central nervous systems processes.
Short term it helps us relax, sure no denying that. Long term it will effect our mental health and cause over time, us to feel more anxious and therefore make stress much harder to deal with.
In fact often, hard drinkers ( alcoholics) usually have stress related problems too, because drink and stress are often connected. The low moods come when they are on a come down from the drink, and then what do they do? reach for the bottle and the cycle continues to flow.
The feeling we get from the first glass of wine or beer, is the part of the brain that is effects our inhibitions and therefore helps us to relax.
 I know first hand how the drink cycle is a vicious circle. You then visit your doctor, they give you anti-depressants because the biggest part of being an alcoholic, is being able to admit you are one in the first place. Drugs that are designed to help lift your mood called anti-depressants. These are then taken alongside the drink which over a long period or continued use lowers the mood and the two therefore work against each other. Not to mention the implications of taking drugs with alcohol.
The symptoms can be easily matched to every day life stresses and just being depressed through life pressures.
Part of my way of dealing with this problem in my family, is to research the facts in order to write this blog for you all today. Plus, it helps me deal with this in my own mind and have a greater understanding of the situation.

Alcoholism has been in my family right from as young as I can remember. I think through growing up and having a greater understanding of what was surrounding me, I realize now that it was a bigger issue in my childhood than I gave it credit for.
Sadly, this problem effects personal relationships, family relationships and in some cases depending how well you hide it work relationships too.

Hiding the evidence

Alcoholics become very sneaky with how they operate once they know you are on their case. They become very good at hiding their evidence. Bottles get hidden in all kinds of places, backs of cupboards, drawers and dispensed into other soft drink bottles. So you then think they are drinking a soft drink when in fact they have topped it up with the alcohol and therefore can hide it up as they walk around on a daily basis drinking and indeed driving.

People under the influence of alcohol can:
Have low mood
A tendency to suicide
Other health related problems such as kidney and liver problems
Bad memory and low attention
Low or high blood pressure

How can alcohol effect our bodies?

The is numerous related illnesses and diseases that can be caused by alcohol. Main pointers to mention are:
Fertility levels
Exercise & fitness levels
Well being and immune levels
Headaches & other body aches and pains

What will it do to our organs?

Liver damage: Drinking too much alcohol can damage your liver in two main ways.
  1. Oxidative stress: when the liver tries to break down the alcohol, the resulting chemical reaction can damage its cells. This damage can lead to inflammation and scarring as the liver tries to repair itself.
  2. Toxins in the gut bacteria: alcohol can damage our intestine which lets toxins from our gut bacteria get into the liver. These toxins can also lead to inflammation and scarring.
There are two types of this acute and chronic. Both are serious and symptoms can be misleading or not noticed until it is too late and can lead to kidney failure.

Common skin complaints

Because excessive alcohol can effective the way our liver and kidneys work which in turn help flush out our systems. The heart would be under a lot of pressure to work double hard to pump fresh blood and nutrients around the body.
The skin will start to look grey almost because the blood flow and waste products aren't being flushed away properly.
It can also lead to broken capillaries as the skin can have this flushed look to it. Often know as "drinkers nose" where the nose area looks swollen, red and has lots of capillaries around it.
The eyes will look dull and often yellow, looking like they have lost their shine and gleam to them.
The face looks swollen and often areas such as tummies are swollen and ankles and legs can swell up too and then lead to other problems related to poor circulation.
More likely to get spots and pimples because the skin isn't working effectively or it could be related to lack of cleanliness, so not looking after the skin and washing properly can in time lead to pimples and spots.

There are so many lists and complaints I could add in here. As I am writing this today. i can tick so many of these boxes as being ones I have seen first hand in my family members that are alcoholics. 

 I was the person that got the verbal abuse and the sharp tongue. I have had to learn that you really do have to be cruel to be kind. It is a hard illness to witness. The biggest battle is to make the person admit they have a problem. They are the only ones that can step up and make a stand and go and get help.
Once it starts to effect other people because they are driving whilst under the influence and they forget how horrible they have been in the things they have said to you. It takes you down with them, and the people close to you that you need to protect.

In my case, I sadly think it is too late for this person. But by reading this, I hope it will make you look and understand more about what exactly it is you are drinking. I am not preaching here to stop drinking. Thats not the idea. All I am saying is everything in moderation.
Be responsible for your actions. Dont drink and drive. It really isn't just you it effects all the others on the road with you. It takes lives and damages really isn't worth that!
It destroys lives and breaks down families and relationships. But if you can give the person help and advice at an early stage, hopefully you wont have to experience half of what myself and family have had to experience over the years. Its heart breaking to see a loved one drinking themselves to death.

Thank you for reading. Please leave your comments as always. Till next time.
Love & sparkle
Caroline King Beauty Geek 


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