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Love the Skin You`re In: Part 1 in series of 6

Happy Shiny, Fresh New Year
Hello and welcome to 2018, a whole new exciting new year. Are we all feeling rested and refreshed? Or quite the opposite? Ready to kick-start those new years resolutions?
I don`t make any resolutions anymore. I found i just didn`t keep to them.I did make a big health decision prior to Christmas, and it has paid off. So I am aiming to continue with my journey in feeling good and balancing work with pleasure. 

That`s where this blog comes in. 

Love the Skin You`re In: Part 1
This time of year brings on all those "Lose 1 stone in 10 days" books, gym memberships that cost a small fortune, fad diets and exercise regimes that we just cant uphold. For many (i`ve been there),we set ourselves unrealistic targets that we just cant keep up with in our busy lives.
With all this in mind, i`ve decided to put together a detox for your skin without the massive price tag.
Follow my
6 part series of blogs that will talk you through using simple store cupboard ingredients, accessible shop ingredients and combining them to create some wonderful skin loving products that not only will you enjoy making yourself, you will know exactly whats in them (no harsh chemicals) and mostly importantly, you will get to use them on your skin during January and feel the enriching benefits to your skin. You will learn to "Love the Skin You`re In".

Sounds too good to be true right? It really isn`t! All I ask is that you give it a try before you dismiss any of it. Education is such a powerful tool. I can pretty much bet your store cupboards hold some wonderfully skin beneficial ingredients that will give you great skin loving results.
Ready to get started?
Part 1: Store cupboard essentials that love your skin

Milk & Eggs:

  If it was good enough for Cleopatra, its good enough for me! Milk has a wonderful lightening and brightening effect on the skin. Its a powerhouse of goodness including Vitamin A and anti-oxidants. It is hugely beneficial for acne skins too. Which lets face it after all that intake of food and over indulgence, we all could use a bit of brightening on our skin. It contains calcium which we all are aware of is great for strong healthy bones. But it is also great for boosting collagen production and promotes skin elasticity which sadly diminishes as we get older 
Egg whites are a great as an astringent. Which means it great at tightening and closing pores. Due to this amazing property, they are particularly good on oily skins as they will absorb excess oils. They make a fantastic eye product as the whites of the egg dry, they have this great tightening and lifting ability which means they are wonderful on fine lines and wrinkles. Who doesn`t need that this time of year after all those late nights and heavy party sessions?

Salt & Sugars:
Bringing sea salt from your store cupboard into your beauty skincare regime will help to balance and improve hydration. Sea salt acts as a great anti-bacterial ingredient. Which makes it great for oily or acne prone skins. Its great at cleansing pores and blackheads. It makes a fabulous natural skin exfoliator. Its works wonders at sloughing off dead skin cells, which in turn will bring fresh blood to the surface and encourage your skin to look fresh and glowing. It is also packed with minerals to soften the skin and restore hydration. Who would have thought that about something you sprinkle on your dinner each day??
Sugar has a natural anti-ageing effect on the skin. Sugar not only has great natural exfoliation properties on the skin. It has the ability to cleanse the skin but not allowing toxins to attack skin cells. This in turn slows down the ageing process and makes for a more youthful appearance. Whilst it is in the press a lot about too much sugar is bad in our diets. We can turn this around by using it as a topical product it can have huge benefits for us.
Herbs: Well I find this a hard one to pick a starting point as there are really so many wonderful herbs that are great for our skins. To name a few that we might have more commonly heard of:
Lavender: soothing, calming and aids sleep and relaxation.
Rosemary: A great ant-bacterial herb that also helps against skin cell damage such as sun damage or our environment. 
Cloves: Great anti-fungal, antiseptic properties. Great on oily prone skins. Good for coughs and headaches and stress.

Basil: This herb, like many, It has been used for hundreds of years by Indians as part of their skincare regime. Its packed full of powerful anti-oxidants that will treat pimples, hair loss, dandruff, shrink open pores and brighten the skin. It is also great for insect bites.
Last, but by no means least we have oils.

Olive Oil: Not only is this oil considered a healthy option for cooking at home. It comes with a whole host of skin benefits. Described as "liquid gold". Not only is it great on skin it is great on hair and nails. It is packed full of anti-oxidants which protect our skin from the environment and premature ageing. It helps restore skin smoothness and protects against Ultra-violet light. It is a great partner for skin exfoliators such as ones I have previously mentioned like sugars, salt and herbs. It smoothes and softens skin and works great as a natural eye make-up remover on the gentle, delicate skin around the eyes.

Final thoughts....I hope this has proven a interesting read? It is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of great ingredients you can find around you everyday that will cost little or less that high end, high street brands. Plus isn`t it fun to learn and understand about what you are using on your skins? After all, you only get one chance with your skin. We are all living longer, so its even more important now to "Love the Skin You`re In".
Look out for my videos that will accompany this series for you to download and enjoy to show you how to make natural home remedies. Please do leave me your comments and feedback, it helps my little business grow.
Until next time...
Shine Bright
Caroline X
Follow me on Instagram @ssemporium
Twitter @sstacademy
Facebook @SStonesemporium


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