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Are you making the most of FREE Digital Advertising for your Business? Part 1

Have you tweeted, poked, shared, commented pinned and posted?? 

Yes, it is a bit of a minefield I know. But its social media and advertising at there best. The truth is, its not going to go away. If you don't learn how to utilize it for your business, you will be tagging behind the ones that do and the chances are loosing customers because of it?

So how do we know what ones to use? Most do we use them??

 Twitter is one that I find when talking to fellow business owners, still mind boggles them. We seem to all know a bit about Facebook, but Twitter is the one most have got an account with,but rarely us it mainly because they don't understand it. I hold  my hand up as being one of these people at the beginning. I had an account and just couldn't get my head around the whole "Tweeting", "Favourite" and "Retweet" thing.It works very differently to Facebook.
I think Twitter is in a way, in my opinion, better as a business tool because you can follow and tag into your posts companies and celebrities. Which will then help to open you status up to their friends and followers (still following me?). First and foremost with any of these types of digital advertising. keep a personal account and a business one separate! This is were many make the mistake. Do you want to have a big rant on your status about your ex or your family and let all your clients in your business read about it. Swearing and making rude comments is a definite way to turn your client off and send them out the door to another competitor.

How it basically works on Twitter:

You have a user name ( which should follow in with your business if its a business account) Don`t call yourself @MissPiggy as this wont look quite as professional to other business owners and followers. You have limited amount of characters to write a post or status. So short and sweet is best ( this does take a bit of getting used too!).You can follow other businesses, people and companies, they will all be @........So for example if you use a brand nail polish on a client and you took a picture, this would be perfect to post on your twitter business page. Tag in at the beginning of the status the companies, people who would be interested in what you have done. This could include celebraties! Add your picture to the post and send. This post will then appear on the pages of all the companies, people and businesses you tagged in. So ALL their followers will then see your work you are showcasing. They may love it and then RETWEET ( send on ) so all their followers can see it. Or they may like it but not want to let all their followers see it. So they therefore can "favourite" the post. As a little way of saying to you, I like what you are saying.
How cool is that!? So your work can literally be showcased to millions in seconds and its FREE.

Facebook is similar in some ways, but different in others. Again a must, in my opinion to have a business page and a personal page and keep them apart. You don`t always want your business clients seeing pictures of you and the family or you out getting drunk with your friends now do you?
Set up the business page with your business name and some nice images. To write a post or status you have unlimited characters and you can add pictures and images to the post in the same way as Twitter. You post it, and if people like it they can "share it" on their page to their friends, or write a comment or both.You need to "like" a page to be able to get their updates.
People who wish to see your posts and pictures can either be invited to "Like" your business page or they can search for your type of business and find it and like it themselves.
Clients love to have images taken of their nails or hair or makeup, obviously ask them permission first. I found all mine loved the fact I wanted to share their finished treatment on my business pages for advertising. I found the clients used to get really into posing holding flowers and product bottles etc whilst having their pictures taken.

I hope this has given you a little insight into the social media digital advertising world? Look out for Part 2 of this blog to find out more about other types of free advertising and paid advertising which aren't always so talked about.

Till next time..
Love & Sparkle
Caroline King
Beauty Geek


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